Sunday, February 14, 2010

On Barack Obama and the Åland Islands

The training has ended on Friday, and all went well with very nice speeches and promises to keep in touch in the future.

On the last day, the participants learned to post images to their blogs and finished their last assignments. There were several options to choose from.

Salha Mohammed Ali has written about Barack Obama’s childhood years and posted several pictures.

Zaituni Makwali and Ali Othman chose the topic about similarities between Zanzibar and the Åland islands, an autonomous area being part of Finland.

Ramadhan Suleiman has published a summary about why people in many countries are boycotting products of the multinational Nestlé company.

Salha Ali Hamad and Saphia Ngalapi have postings about the trial against the awarded TBC journalist Jerry Muro, who is now accused for extortion. The topic has been the hottest news story in Tanzania for the last two weeks, and the assignment was to search for information from local media.

The participants have also posted some feedback about the whole training. Ali Mohammed provides a full report of the topics we covered during the week. Ali Mbarouk says the ending of the training is like the ending of a love affair. And here’s the links to Saphia, Zaituni, Hassan Issa Ali and Khadija Kombo Khamis. For all other blogs, please use the links on the right.

I personally want to thank all participants for the great energy, motivation and eagerness you’ve showed during the week in the search for new lands across the cyber ocean.

Many thanks to Marko Gideon of MISA for good company and for arranging everything so well. Thanks also to Ali Othman for the local facilitating and hosting. Tusen tack to Maggid for joining us for the last days. Thanks to Seif and Suleiman and others from SUZA for the good mood and stand-by IT support. And many thanks to Bibi Maulib, Hamza and Mohammed for the delicious birianis that kept us going all through the week.

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